Spotlight on:





Our impact on the environment matters to us. It’s why we place environmental sustainability at the heart of everything we do. Landsec was the first commercial property company in the world to commit to science based targets in 2016, and our ambition hasn’t lessened since then.

We have committed to becoming a net zero carbon business by 2030 and are aiming to deliver the UK’s first commercial net zero carbon building – The Forge SE1 – through innovative design and a world-first in off-site construction methods.

Efficient use of natural resources

Sustainable design and innovation

Efficient use of natural resources

Sustainable design and innovation

Efficient use of natural resources




Reduce carbon emissions (tCO2e) by 70% by 2030 compared with a 2013/14 baseline, for property under our management for at least two years.

We have reduced carbon emissions by 55% since 2013/14 against our science-based carbon reduction target. Significant reduction in carbon emissions as a result of lower occupancy and operational hours due to Covid-19 restrictions.

On Track




Ensure 100% of our electricity supplies through our corporate contract are from REGO backed renewable sources.

Achieve 3MW of renewable electricity capacity by 2030.

We continue to procure 100% renewable electricity across our portfolio. We are currently exploring opportunities to move our procurement towards direct purchasing from renewable projects through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA).


Our current on-site renewable electricity capacity is 1.4 MW. We have continued to progress our feasibility studies for on-site renewable technologies, assessing the value this would deliver to Landsec and our customers and how these could be incorporated as part of future redevelopment works.

On Track




Reduce energy intensity (kWh/m2) by 40% by 2030 compared with a 2013/14 baseline, for property under our management for at least two years.

We have reduced energy intensity by 43% compared to 2013/14. Although this figure suggests that we’ve already achieved our target to reduce energy intensity by 40% by 2030, we recognise that energy consumption has been significantly impacted by lower occupancy and operational hours due to Covid-19 restrictions and doesn’t reflect portfolio energy performance in normal conditions. For that reason, we’ll continue tracking our performance against this 2030 target.

On Track




Send zero waste to landfill.

We continue to divert 100% of waste from landfill across our operational activities.


At least 75% waste recycled across all our operational activities by 2020.

We recycled 65% of operational waste. The decrease in recycling rate from last year reflects the reduction of recyclable materials such as packaging in retail as a result of Covid-19. Landsec has seen a 63% reduction in total waste produced due to Covid-19.


Sustainable design and innovation




Assess and mitigate physical and financial climate change adaptation risks that are material across our portfolio.

To continue aligning our disclosures with the TCFD recommendations, this year we’ve again worked with Willis Towers Watson in assessing and quantifying climate-related risks to inform our approach to managing climate risks across our portfolio, including new developments.

On Track




Source core construction products and materials from ethical and sustainable sources.

Our developments continue to make good progress against this target. All our live developments are targeting 100% of core construction materials with a responsible sourcing certification and from the UK and Europe to reduce emissions from transportation and reduce risk of ethical issues in manufacture and extraction.

On Track




Maximise the biodiversity potential of all our development and operational sites and achieve a 25% biodiversity net gain across our five operational sites currently offering the greatest potential, by 2030.

We continued our partnership with The Wildlife Trusts to enhance biodiversity net gain at our five operational sites and we’re on track to deliver significant net gain on our developments and created a new biodiversity brief for developments.

On Track




Ensure our buildings are designed and managed to maximise wellbeing and productivity.

This year we committed to pursuing the WELL Portfolio Programme across our existing managed office portfolio, in addition to our new schemes. All of our live developments are successfully registered and pre-assessed against WELL Core rating.

On Track

All data correct as of 31 March 2021.